Interested in attending the 2025 SACME Annual Meeting in Washington D.C.? Please visit the website for more information.
Session 1 – 2025 SACME Annual Meeting (in person and virtual, 4h)
March 16, 2025 (Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington or virtual) (8:00 am – 12:00 pm ET)
The importance of evaluation and research to the advancement of the field of CPD will be explained. How to develop a research/evaluation question according to best practices will be discussed. Participants will learn how to propose an appropriate program design according to their research interests.
- Program introduction (0.5h)
- David Wiljer, Joyce Fried and Martin Tremblay
- Understanding Ways of Knowing, Being and Valuing in CPD Evaluation and Research (1h)
Brett Diaz - Designing a Scholarly Question (1.5 h)
Tanya Horsley, David Rojas, and Sophie Soklaridis - Conducting CPD Scholarship (1h)
Panel Discussion
Session 1 learning objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Explain the importance of CPD evaluation and research to the advancement of the field;
- Write a research/evaluation question according to best practices;
- Propose an appropriate program design according to your research interests.
Session 2 – Equity and Ethics in CPD (virtual, 2h)
April 8th, 2025 (4-6pm ET)
A deep dive into equity and ethics in research, evaluation, and quality improvement (QI) in CPD will be taken. Skills in ethics and equity for CPD research and evaluation will be developed. Participants will learn how to ensure their research and evaluation projects are inclusive, fair, and aligned with ethical standards.
- Program update (0.5h)
- David Wiljer, Joyce Fried and Martin Tremblay
- Equity and Ethics in Research, Evaluation and QI in CPD (1.5h)
Branka Agic and Morag Paton
Session 2 learning objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Develop skills in ethics and equity for CPD research and evaluation;
- Ensure your research and evaluation projects are inclusive, fair, and aligned with ethical standards.
Session 3 – Evidence Review (virtual, 2h)
May 13th, 2025 (4-6pm ET)
The ability to systematically review and synthesize existing research evidence to inform CPD research and program evaluation will be developed. Skills in applying evidence review methodologies to evaluate CPD programs and to conduct research in CPD will be imparted and enhanced.
- Program update (0.25h)
- David Wiljer, Joyce Fried and Martin Tremblay
- Synthesizing Evidence and Putting it into Practice (1.75h)
Tanya Horsley and Ryan Brydges
Session 3 learning objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Develop the ability to systematically review and synthesize existing research evidence to inform CPD research and program evaluation;
- Develop skills in applying evidence review methodologies to evaluate CPD programs and conduct research in CPD.
Session 4 – Methods (virtual, 2h)
June 10th, 2025 (4-6pm ET)
An in-depth understanding of key quantitative research methods for CPD research and program evaluation will be acquired as well as an understanding of important qualitative research approaches to conducting CPD research and program evaluation.
- Program update (0.25h)
- David Wiljer, Joyce Fried and Martin Tremblay
- Concomitant sessions (1.75h)
- Overview of Quantitative Methods
Tanya Horsley and David Rojas - Overview of Qualitative Methods
Sophie Soklaridis
- Overview of Quantitative Methods
Session 4 learning objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Gain an understanding of key quantitative research methods for CPD research and program evaluation;
- Acquire an understanding of important qualitative research approaches to conducting CPD research and program evaluation.
Session 5 – Collecting Data (virtual, 2h)
July 8th, 2025 (4-6pm ET)
Best practices for creating or choosing valid and reliable questionnaires that capture relevant data for CPD evaluation and research will be discussed. Techniques needed to effectively plan, facilitate, and analyze online focus groups will be shared and practiced.
- Program update (0.25h)
David Wiljer, Joyce Fried and Martin Tremblay - Concomitant sessions (1.75h)
Tanya Horsley, David Rojas, and Sophie Soklaridis- Designing Effective Questionnaires & Tools for Best Results
Tanya MacLeod - Conducting Online Focus Groups
Rebecca Charow
- Designing Effective Questionnaires & Tools for Best Results
Session 5 learning objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Describe best practices for creating or choosing valid and reliable questionnaires that capture relevant data for CPD evaluation and research;
- Develop the knowledge and techniques needed to effectively plan, facilitate, and analyze online focus groups.
Mentoring and Consultation
August 12th, 2025 (4-6pm ET)
Mentoring and Consultation Session objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Consult with key CPD experts to refine your research or program evaluation project;
- Strengthen your ability to receive and apply feedback for CPD research and program evaluation.
Session 6 – Analyzing Data (virtual, 2h)
September 9th, 2025 (4-6pm ET)
Key techniques for analyzing qualitative data, such as coding and thematic analysis, to derive meaningful insights from textual or interview-based data will be taught. Various statistical methods and tools for analyzing quantitative data to interpret numerical findings and draw valid conclusions will be described.
- Program update (0.25h)
David Wiljer, Joyce Fried and Martin Tremblay - Concomitant sessions (1.75h)
Tanya Horsley, David Rojas, and Sophie Soklaridis- Analyzing Qualitative Data
Sophie Soklaridis - Analyzing Quantitative Data
Jack Kues
- Analyzing Qualitative Data
Session 6 learning objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Explain key techniques for analyzing qualitative data, such as coding and thematic analysis, to derive meaningful insights from textual or interview-based data;
- Describe various statistical methods and tools for analyzing quantitative data to interpret numerical findings and draw valid conclusions.
Session 7 – Other Methods (virtual, 2h)
October 14th, 2025 (4-6pm ET)
Learners will be taught how to effectively combine qualitative, quantitative, and other research methods in a multi-method design. They will discover how clinical and practice-based data can be leveraged in CPD research and program evaluation.
- Program update (0.25h)
- Concomitant sessions (1.75h)
- Multi-Method Design
Carolyn Steele-Gray - Using Clinical and Practice Data in CPD Research and Evaluation
Carol Pizzuti
- Multi-Method Design
Session 7 learning objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Explain how to effectively combine qualitative, quantitative, and other research methods in a multi-method design;
- Describe how clinical and practice-based data can be leveraged in CPD research and program evaluation.
Mentoring and Consultation
November 11th, 2025 (4-6pm ET)
Mentoring and Consultation Session objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Consult with key CPD experts to refine your research or program evaluation project;
- Strengthen your ability to receive and apply feedback for CPD research and program evaluation.
Session 8 – Writing Your Article (virtual, 2h)
January 13th, 2026 (4-6pm ET)
Learners will be taught how to effectively organize and present their research findings, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and coherence for maximum impact. Tips will be given for writing a compelling introduction, methodology, and discussion section to meet academic and professional standards.
- Program update (0.5h)
David Wiljer, Joyce Fried and Martin Tremblay - Writing up your Results for Maximum Impact (1.5h)
Session 8 learning objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Describe how to effectively organize and present your research findings, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and coherence.
- Employ tips for writing a compelling introduction, methodology, and discussion sections to meet academic and professional standards.
Mentoring and Consultation
February 10th, 2026 (4-6pm ET)
Mentoring and Consultation Sessions objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Consult with key CPD experts to refine your research or program evaluation project;
- Strengthen your ability to receive and apply feedback for CPD research and program evaluation.
Session 9 – 2026 SACME Annual Meeting (in person and virtual, 3h)
March 22 – 25, 2026
Program participants will share their final projects and program certificates will be presented.
- Program update (0.5h)
David Wiljer, Joyce Fried and Martin Tremblay - Project Presentation, Celebration of Scholarship, Presentation of Certificate of Recognition (2.5 h)
Session 9 learning objectives
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Engage in constructive discussions about your project research or program evaluation with key CPD stakeholders;
- Value the importance of CPD evaluation and research to the advancement of the field.